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Modern Stage of Development of the Faculty of Investigators

The Faculty of Investigators of the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs takes a leading place in the system of training highly qualified specialists for the Investigative Committee and the State Committee of Forensic Expertise.

Training at the faculty of investigators is carried out in the day-time form of obtaining higher education at the expense of the republican budget. Graduates who successfully passed the final certification are given a diploma of the established type, and the qualification "Lawyer" (for students trained in the specialization "Judicial and prosecutorial activities" of the specialty "Jurisprudence") is awarded and the qualification is "Forensic expert forensic scientist. Lawyer" (specialty "Forensic forensic examinations").

In building the educational process, along with the general methodological requirements, the specifics of the future professional activity of graduates are taken into account as much as possible. The teaching of theoretical disciplines is combined with practical training, which assumes the work of cadets in conditions as close to future service duties. Established cooperation with the units of the Investigative Committee, the State Committee of Forensic Expertise, the State Border Committee, the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Interested practical units study curricula in criminal law, criminal procedure, criminology and make the necessary adjustments. Regular meetings of invited experts with cadets and faculty members are held.

Active research work is carried out at the departments. Its results are in demand and are applied in practical units. The faculty actively participates in conferences and seminars of the national and international level, publishes scientific articles in specialized publications, is involved in the preparation of educational and methodological literature.

Cadets also conduct scientific research, which contributes to raising their educational level, developing intellectual and creative abilities. Representatives of the cadet scientific community actively participate in scientific competitions of the departments, the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and national and international scientific events.

Sign of the faculty of investigators

Sign of the Faculty of Investigators

The Regulation "On the breastplate of the faculty of investigators" was approved on August 31, 2011. This sign is given to current and former employees of the faculty, representatives of state bodies of Belarus and other countries, contributing to the development of the educational process, as well as cadets of the faculty who have achieved high results in teaching and service activities.

The educational, residential and office buildings of the faculty are located in the eastern part of the capital in the Slepyanka microdistrict. There function are lecture halls, educational auditoriums, educational and methodical classrooms, photo lab, computer classes, computer language lab for conducting classes in foreign languages, general and special libraries with reading rooms. In the educational process, forensic polygons and shooting range are used. In addition to performing practical shooting from military weapons, cadets hone their skills in shooting in a fiber-optic shooting gallery. Classes for professional and physical training are conducted in modern, well-equipped sports and wrestling halls. There is an assembly hall, a dining room and a buffet.
On the territory of the faculty there is a museum of criminalistics, which was opened on March 3, 2001 in honor of the Day of the Belarusian Militia. In the first hall stands are displayed, reflecting the history of forensic science, forensic techniques, as well as tactics and techniques for investigating certain types of crimes. The separate exposition presents materials on high-profile criminal cases and photographs from the prison life of convicts. In the second hall there is a collection of firearms and blankets seized from criminals. The museum provides training sessions, as well as excursions for schoolchildren and cadets.
Professional-orientation work is one of the most important directions of the faculty. Visiting sponsored schools, cadets tell the students about the profession of the law enforcer, the life of the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the peculiarities of the applicants' admission, and also hold conversations on legal topics.
Cadets realize their talents in the socio-cultural sphere. Participate in competitions of amateur performances, perform at solemn events. At the faculty, there are wall press competitions and KVN tournaments. Without representatives of the faculty, such important youth forums of the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs as an international tournament on intellectual games "Shield and Sword" and an international contest of oratorical skills among students "Ciceronius" can not be avoided.